Gardener’s is a brand from Sabiles Sidrs.
The Latvian climate and soil are especially suitable for growing apples, that has allowed us to showcase the unique soft acidity of Latvian apples in our ciders.
Sabiles Cider brewery is located in the heart of small city Sabile, region Kurzeme. Established in 2009. The basis and values of cider brewery have been unchanged since the first day of operation – we produce only naturally fermented ciders.
In order to reach wider horizons and promote the culture of cider, in 2020 we have taken the next step by creating a new brand – “Gardener’s”. This brand is made for export – modern, laconic, easy to understand. Gardener’s cider is great to eat with seafood, poultry dishes, as well as salads and snacks.
“Sabiles cider” is family owned business and close relationships are important for us – we are always looking for best solutions for every client. Our quality standards are focused on product quality, customer satisfaction and business longevity. We can offer regular deliveries and constant product quality.