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Weidmann & Groh

Stand E04

Germany - Hesse - Wetterau - Ockstadt

Why we do what we do

“Distillates are a great thing”. One can refine a whole year of ripening of a fruit up to its peak, in the distillate. The joy of this final product is what drives us.

“Cider is an ancient cultural asset and a magnificent drink”. Each apple variety presents itself differently as a wine. Whether it is made from a single variety or as a mixed wine, it offers an unbelievable variety. Each vintage has its very own signature. Our motivation is to accept the challenge of each vintage and to be surprised again and again by the quality of the ciders.

“Whoever makes whisky learns to be patient”. Contrary to our fast-moving times, in which more and more is available faster and faster, we go on the “Whisky Journey” with an unknown destination. The breadbasket of Hesse, our home, offers everything we need for this. We simply cannot let this opportunity pass us by.

In all our efforts to optimise our activities, we put quality first in the manufacture of our products. In all vegetation phases of a year, we enjoy God’s wonderful creation again and again and find the motivation for the production of our fruit brandies, ciders and whiskies here.

Cheers. Norman Groh and team