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Eduardo Vázquez Coto

Cider Guerrilla

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Eduardo is involved in many cider projects worlwide. He has been collaborating with Michael Stöckl and Christine Isensee-Kiesau almost since the begining of CiderWorld (Apfelwein in Römer) in 2009 bringing cidermakers from many countries.

He supported international writters of cider books, jury in several international cider competitions like GLINTCAP in USA, Australian Cider Awards, Pomme d´Or and CiderWorld Award in Germany or Best World Ciders and Bath & West International Cider Competition in UK.

Since 2017 he is part of the organitation of Sagardo Forum in Basque Country running the International Cider Competition.

He is also member for a while of the board working for the New Cider Museum in Frankfurt.

In 2019 he was included as member of the Steering Committe managed by the Asturian Goberment working to get Asturian Cider Culture included as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity (UNESCO).

Now working in importing and distributing great international ciders in Spain.

Photo © Eduardo Vázquez Coto