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Claude Jolicoeur

Pommier au Cidre

The New Cider Maker's Handbook

Claude Jolicoeur is the author of “The New Cider Maker’s Handbook”, an important reference book on the topic of cider making. In French, he has authored “Du pommier au cidre”, and collaborated to the collective work “La transformation du cidre au Québec”.

A mechanical engineer and research scientist by profession, he started 30 years ago making cider as a hobby. Since then he has accumulated a vast experience, always searching to obtain the highest quality possible. His ciders have earned many awards at competitions, including a Best of Show at the Great Lakes International Cider and Perry Competition (GLINTCAP).
Mr. Jolicoeur actively participates in discussion forums such as the Cider Digest and Cider Workshop, and is invited as a guest speaker or as a judge to cider events all over the world (and naturally this includes CiderWorld!)

He currently works on the evaluation of wild native apples for the establishment of collections of high quality cider varieties that are well adapted to eastern Canada conditions.

Member of judgement panel at CiderWorld Award Frankfurt

Photo of Claude Jolicoeur © by Émélie Bernier